The symptoms of breast cancer, Media organs explain how women can examine themselves for the diagnosis of breast cancer by continuously providing explanatory information. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is very important for the treatment and later. In this regard, every woman should examine herself after the age of thirties and should have information about other the symptoms of the cancer.
What is breast cancer?
Today, breast cancer is of vital importance as the most common type of cancer among female cancers. Although women can diagnose breast cancer at home by palpating, the presence of mass with a size of about 1 cm could be revealed by palpating. Especially those with a family history of breast cancer should be more careful about the symptoms by paying more attention to this issue.
What are the Factors that Cause Breast Cancer?
Differential symptoms for breast cancer;
- The presence of palpable lump, swelling or mass in the breast or axillary area
- The presence of a transparent or purulent-bloody discharge leaking from the nipple.
- Changes in the nipple; inversion, formal differences
- Desquamation and crusting arising on the nipple skin
- Redness or wounds on the breast
- Deformation, growth, discoloration or asymmetry in the breast
- Edema, different inward dimples or peau d’orange (orange peel) appearance on the breast
The symptoms of breast cancer What are the risk factors?
- Gender: While the incidence rate is only 1% in males, the incidence rate is much higher in females, and it is mentioned among female cancers.
- Age: It is more commonly seen in women aged above 50 years; however, the age range seems to have decreased to 30 years of age.
- Genetic predisposition: the presence of breast cancer on the mother’s side, especially in the first degree relatives (aunt, mother, grandmother), is considered as a risk factor. In such a predisposition, the symptoms of breast cancer, its occurrence before menopause and in bilateral breasts increases the risk for the next generation.
- Estrogen hormone: for breast cancer risk, very early onset of menstruation (before 12 years of age) and late menopause (after 55 years of age) are important. Thus, early onset and late termination of menstruation increase the risk.
- Previously having breast cancer: the risk of detecting a cancerous mass in other breast is two times higher in those with a history of unilateral breast cancer than in a healthy person.
- Genetic disorders: Hereditary breast cancers account for approximately 5-10% of all breast cancers.
- Nutrition and physical environment: alcohol consumption, being overweight, diet rich in fat, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle are also the risk factors for breast cancer.
- Not giving birth or not breastfeeding before the age of 30 years
What are the diagnostic methods in breast cancer?
- Examination
- Various laboratory tests
- Mammography
- Breast ultrasonography
- Breast self-examination provides a great advance in the diagnosis
Things to keep in mind about breast cancer:
- The symptoms of breast cancer,Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.
- It is completely curable when diagnosed early
- If diagnosed early, it is very likely that it will not be necessary to remove the breast.
- Women aged between 20-25 years should carry out monthly breast self-examination.
- Women aged between 30-35 years should regularly visit a gynecologist and have mammography and ultrasonography screenings.
- Patients with a family history of breast cancer, especially in first-degree relatives on the mother’s side, should regularly have examination without neglecting these follow-ups and should keep away the risk factors thay can from their lives