Mini sling, the majority of women with urinary incontinence leak urine when they cough and sneeze. This type of urinary incontinence is called stress incontinence. The causes of stress incontinence include delivery-related causes, such as multiple deliveries, giving birth to a big baby, delivery with intervention (forceps, vacuum), delivery at home and difficult delivery. Moreover, chronic constipation, asthma, bronchitis, genetic predisposition, heavy work and obesity are among the other causes.
Mini Sling
Urinary incontinence significantly affects the quality of life in women. Women with urinary incontinence cannot get out of the house, restrict themselves to home, thereby having psychological problems.
Mini sling, the treatment of stress incontinence is surgery. Today, the gold method in surgery is sling surgeries (transobturator tape: TOT/tension-free vaginal tape: TVT). The advantages of these surgeries are that they take a short time (30 minutes), they do not require general anesthesia, the patient is discharged on the same day, the abdomen is not opened, postoperative inability to urinate is rare. With these surgeries, the success rate for urinary incontinence is above 90% in the long term.
What is mini sling?
Mini Sling, the surgeries similar to these surgeries but performed using slings with smaller size in a shorter time (10-15 minutes) under local anesthesia are called mini sling. With these surgeries, stress incontinence is successfully treated.
It is an ideal method for patients who require short operative time, have limited medical capacity and concomitant diseases, and use drugs associated with these.