The risk of cervical cancer, The most important factor in the occurrence of cervical cancer is accepted to be human papilloma virus (HPV) by the medical authorities. HSV2 virus, which is among the other sexually transmitted infections, is also thought to take effect just like HPV virus, and is researched. The risk of uterine cancer, the presence of the genetic structure of this virus in the cells supports this view. Today, more than 70 HPV types have been determined. Of these determined HPV types, almost 24 have been shown to cause diseases in human reproductive system. Among these, type 16 and type 18 were found to be the most important factors in the development of uterine cancer.
The Risk of Cervical Cancer Rahim Ağzı Kanseri Riski
- Having too much sexual intercourse,
- Multiple sex partners,
- Cancers of different reproductive system structures,
- History of being diagnosed with squamous intraepithelial lesion,
- Having the first sexual experience at the age of 16 or younger,
- Having human papillomavirus (HPV) infection or different sexually transmitted diseases in the past,
- Actively smoking,
- Current or previous sexual partners who have the risk of sexually transmitted disease or carry a sexually transmitted disease,
- Immune deficiency,
- HIV (+),
- Poor nutrition
For protection from HPV infection;
Not ignoring preventive and protective methods such as condoms as birth control method, providing birth control by means of creams, called spermicide,
Preferring monogamy are important in terms of protection against HPV.
The risk of cervical cancer, smoking is a factor that increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in women. This risk is further increased by the duration, amount and exposure to cigarette smoke. Women who are active or passive smoker are 3 times more likely to carry this risk compared to women who never smoked and are not exposed to smoke.
Some case-controlled studies investigated the effects of various nutrients on the risk of cervical cancer. It has been statistically demonstrated that the risk of cervical cancer is lower in women whose diet contents are rich in carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid.
The risk of cervical cancer, moreover, the studies conducted have reported that the low intake of vitamin A is among the factors that increase the risk. In addition, these studies have found that beta-carotene level is inversely correlated with the rate of uterine cancer. However, two randomized studies using folic acid intake did not show protective effect. There are unproven experimental studies showing that vitamin A inhibits HPV-related proliferation.
The Risk of Cervical Cancer
The risk factor is a possible factor that increases the risk of developing a disease. Apart from environmental and genetic factors, risk factors may also include certain personal habits such as smoking, which is a well-known risk factor for many cervical cancers.
However, it should be kept in mind that having a risk factor for a certain disease does not necessarily mean that the person will certainly develop that disease. This only shows that the likelihood of exposure to a disease is greater compared to someone else who does not have the same risk factor when all other conditions are equal. In terms of the risk of uterine cancer, HPV is the primary risk factor for cervical cancers, and uterine cancer does not develop in women who do not have HPV.
Aging is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer. In fact, most types of cancer manifest themselves in people aged above 65 years. However, cancer types may show up in people from all ages, including those who may be considered to be still a child.
The individual can protect herself from the cancer to some extent, by avoiding the uterine cancer factors explored so far. Apart from ageing, the risk factors that may lead to changes causing cancer development in the genes are as follows:
The Risk of Cervical Cancer
Tobacco use is a leading factor in preventable causes of death. The use of tobacco products such as cigarette or exposure to smoke of tobacco and tobacco products is a factor that increases the risk of cancer all by itself.
The risk of cervical cancer, hormone therapy is a commonly and intensely used treatment modality in women to alleviate some of the problems associated with menopause to some extent. However, there are studies suggesting that this therapy may increase the risk for certain types of breast cancer.
Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a different chemical form of estrogen hormone, The risk of uterine cancer, was administered to some pregnant women between 1940-1971. There may be a mild increase in the risk of developing breast cancer in women given DES during pregnancy. The daughters of these women also have an increased risk of developing a rare type of cervical cancer.
The Risk of Cervical Cancer
Malnutrition, insufficient physical activity or overweight
The risk of certain cancers considerably increases in people with poor diet, very low physical activity or with obesity problem, i.e. overweight people. The relevant studies conducted have shown that the risk of colon, uterine and prostate cancer increases in people who maintain their diet with fatty foods. Insufficient physical activity and overweight are the risk factors for breast, colon, esophageal, kidney and cervical cancer.